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  • Russian teen faces years in jail over social media post criticizing war in Ukraine.

Russian teen faces years in jail over social media post criticizing war in Ukraine.

On one ankle, Olesya Krivtsova has an anti-Putin tattoo, while on the other, she wears a bracelet that follows her every step.

The Russian teenager from the Arkhangelsk area, 19, is required to wear the gadget while she is under house arrest after being accused of posting on social media that, in the opinion of the authorities, denigrates the Russian army and justifies terrorism.

For sharing an Instagram story about the explosion on the Crimean bridge in October that also denounced Russia for invading Ukraine, Krivtsova was added by Russian authorities to their list of terrorists and radicals, ranking her among ISIS, al Qaeda, and the Taliban.

Krivtsova, a student at Northern (Arctic) Federal University in the city of Arkhangelsk in northwest Russia, is also being prosecuted for allegedly defaming the Russian army by reposting a discussion on the conflict in a student chat on the Russian social network VK.

Krivtsova is currently detained at her mother’s residence in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk area, where she is prohibited from accessing the internet or any other kind of contact.

“Olesya’s case is not the first, nor is it the last,” Krivtsova’s attorney Alexei Kichin told the media.

Olesya Krivtsova, pictured at a court hearing, is now under house arrest in her mother’s apartment

According to Kichin, the adolescent might spend up to three years in jail for disparaging the Russian army and up to seven years in jail for using terrorism as reason. Krivtsova’s defence team is hoping for a less severe sentence, such as a fine.

When she was accused of defaming the Russian army on social media in October, things became a lot worse. Krivtsova’s attorney claims that a criminal prosecution is brought when the same item is violated again.

She has a keen sense of fairness, which makes life difficult for her. According to her mother, failing to keep quiet has become a serious offence in the Russian Federation.

Natalya Krivtsova claims that on December 26, police barged into the apartment where her daughter and her husband Ilya were residing, 

Forcing the children to lie face down on the floor and allegedly threatening them with a sledgehammer, which the officers claimed was a “hello” from the Yevgeny Prigozhin-led Wagner Group.

The state police in Arkhangelsk have been contacted by CNN for comment.

Olesya was terrified after watching a video of a prisoner being murdered with a sledgehammer, according to her mother, who spoke to CNN.

In the infamous video Natalya Krivtsova linked to, mercenaries from the Wagner Group, which aggressively seeks out inmates, appear to have killed Yevgeny Nuzhin, a former prisoner, with a sledgehammer as he tried to abandon his station.

“The traitor suffered the typical, primitive Wagnerian penalty,” the video description read. She remarked, “The state has some odd policies: convicts go to war, and kids go to jail.”