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What Is the Most Dangerous Object on Earth That Can Kill You by Just Looking at It

Discover the Most Dangerous Object on Earth: Deadly on Sight

The ‘Elephant’s Foot’, a 2m wide lump of solidified lava from the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, is so deadly that even a 300-second exposure could result in death.

Despite only a few photos taken due to intense radiation, the threat of stepping into the room with this object remains a significant concern, even after almost 40 years since the meltdown.

What Is the Most Dangerous Object on Earth That Can Kill You by Just Looking at It

The Elephant’s Foot is one of the most dangerous objects on Earth. It is a solid mass of melted core material from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine

What Is the Most Dangerous Object on Earth

Routine Test Leads to Catastrophic Nuclear Meltdown

In April 1986, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine experienced an unexpected heat surge during a routine test, leading to one of the worst nuclear disasters in human history.

The core temperatures rose even higher, and control rods were cracked, causing the reactor to explode. Emergency crews found a chamber beneath the reactor to be one of the most dangerous places on the planet, as the radiation reached the reactor’s core.

Elephant's Foot

In this photo, taken by the US Department of Energy a decade after the disaster, the Elephant’s Foot could still deliver a fatal dose of radiation in an hour

The reactor’s core melted into radioactive lava, causing it to fall through the floor of Reactor 4. The material morphed into a complex mixture of radioactive chemicals, eventually solidifying into corium.

One mass of corium, known as the Elephant’s Foot, fell into the steam corridor beneath the reactor, causing the disaster. Initially, crews believed the material was not nuclear fuel, but it eventually solidified into corium.

What Is the Most Dangerous Object on Earth That Can Kill You by Just Looking at It

After the disaster, the area around the power plant was declared an Exclusion Zone. Intense radiation forced thousands to leave their homes, creating ghost towns

Elephant’s Foot Dangers

In 1986, the elephant’s foot was emitting 10,000 roentgens per hour, 1,000 times the dose required to cause cancer. This exposure caused dizziness, fatigue, haemorrhage, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever within 30 seconds.

After five minutes, death was likely two days later. The clean-up crew, known as ‘liquidators’, discovered that the elephant’s foot was too radioactive to approach.

What Is the Most Dangerous Object on Earth

When the Elephant’s Foot first formed, just five minutes in the room with it could cause fatal radiation poisoning. In this photo taken 10 years later, the radiation is still so high it has interfered with film in the camera

Elephant’s Foot Persistent Threat

The Chernobyl disaster has led to the development of the Elephant’s Foot, a rare type of nuclear material that remains dangerous for decades. The radiation levels at the site have been gradually reducing, but the corium blob, which was once emitting about a tenth of its original levels, continues to be a significant threat.

The US Department of Energy documented the disaster extensively, and in some photos, a man named Artur Korneyev, believed to be the deputy director of Shelter Object, was captured using a time-delayed camera to limit his exposure to radiation.

Despite his survival, even 500 seconds of exposure would induce mild radiation sickness, and an hour would be fatal. The New Safe Confinement, a concrete and steel shelter, was placed over the reactors in 2016 to prevent further leaks. As corium is rare, it remains uncertain how the Elephant’s Foot will evolve over time.


What is the Elephant’s Foot?

The Elephant’s Foot is a deadly mass of corium formed from the melted core of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor. It is one of the most dangerous objects on Earth due to its extreme radioactivity.

How deadly is the Elephant’s Foot?

Just five minutes of exposure to the Elephant’s Foot can be fatal, with death occurring within two days due to intense radiation poisoning.

What are the effects of short-term exposure to the Elephant’s Foot?

Exposure for 30 seconds can cause symptoms like dizziness and fatigue within a week. Two minutes can cause cellular damage, and four minutes can induce severe symptoms like vomiting and fever.

How has the Elephant’s Foot’s radioactivity changed over time?

Initially emitting lethal levels of radiation, the Elephant’s Foot’s radioactivity has decreased over the years but remains dangerously high, interfering with photographic film even decades later.

What measures have been taken to contain the Elephant’s Foot?

In 2016, a structure called the New Safe Confinement was placed over the reactor area to prevent further radiation leaks and contain the uranium dust.

Is the Elephant’s Foot still dangerous?

Although the radiation levels have gradually decreased, the Elephant’s Foot is expected to remain hazardous for many decades. Its rare composition and ongoing radioactivity make it a persistent threat.

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